circlous monkeys
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Harng-Yi being raped by a gay!

Wayne + Somebody else

random, random, random

We're not concerned about the screen here.
We're concerned about the chair.


The ultimate
Friday, February 15, 2008
today is TOTAL DEFENCE day. so today we must be defensive! pick up some martial arts, people, then can use for self-defence. today when we play basketball, no offense allowed. all people must play defense, to commerorate the significance of total defence day.
and we must initiate the removing of fences around the school, as stipulated by the name of the day---total DE-FENCE day. no fences around school please. in case of terrorist attack. students and teachers alike will be able to escape TOTALLY from the holes left behind by the non-existent fences. yes, as mentioned above, we are to escape TOTALLY. not in pieces.
and if you haven't realized yet, we are to use de-fence (the fence) to protect ourselves, so the learning of self-defence and defensive play in basketball cannot suffice. in this day and age, the arts of defensive techniques have become obsolete and are replaced by the skill of using fences to aid in our protection. but when we de-fence the school on total defence day, there will be no more fences left to protect the innocent civilians that is us, but instead we are left with gaping holes and vulnerabilities that our skills from the good old days cannot fill and address.
so. at the end of it all. by following the tradition of tearing down the fences, we are left weakened and are actually NOT defending ourselves at all. so DE-FENCing is not really DEFENSING. it is actually removing the fences that protect us as loyal citizens and leaving us unable to utilise our skills of using the fences in our protection.
when all's been said and done, the fence will be rendered useless. and we will go one big round all over again, one TOTAL circle. the cycle repeats itself.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Track and Field is the best cca to be in. We have a wide variety of fun stuff to do for trng, especally if you are in sprints, like soccer, floorball, frisbee. For this cny, the sprinters will be trng too! So do consider joining Track and Field, the heaven of Vjc. (ok enough for crapping, this post is actually for trackers only.)
Sprinters, there will be trng this Saturday(9 Feb) at Bishan Stadium at 9am. But this is only for those who can make it on sat
Those who can make it on sat, you will still have to train, but its on our own and its circuit.
For 10om/200m/110mh/100mhThings to do in 1 set:
1) 100m then do 15 push ups
2) 100m then do 25 sit ups
3) 100m then do 20 squats
the pace of 100m will be at
90% and do at least
5 sets.
there is a
3mins rest between each set. thats it for circuit.
after circuit, do a
20min fast runand finish off with
core stability*For 400m/400mh
Things to do in 1 set:
1) 400m then 15 push ups, 25 sit ups and 20 squats
the pace of 400m for the
guys is 75s-90s, the
girls is 85s-100sand do at least
5 sets with
2-3mins rest in between each set and thats all for circuit.
after circuit, do a
30mins jogand finish off with
core stability**front, back, left side and right side bridge. do 3 sets, each side is 1min with 1min rest in between each side.Happy CNY to both trackers and my ex-class(sry for having to use the class blog to spread my trng prog but thks a lot!!!), have fun trng and mugging:)